Browse Sites By User: SatoTakuma — F1とインディカー、両方の表彰台を知る唯一の日本人レーシングドライバー、佐藤琢磨の公式ホームページ。最新の情報と豊富な写真が満載。The one and only Japanese driver that has taken a podium finish in both F1 and IndyCar.You can enjoy and see all related photos as well as other information on his website.
20.01.2020 0 コメント From SatoTakuma — Takuma Sato (@TakumaSatoRacer)さんの最新ツイート。**The Official Takuma Sato Twitter Account** IndyCar driver and founder of With you Japan charity program
20.01.2020 0 コメント From SatoTakuma